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why do gravity exist

  why do gravity exist Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that exists because of the way that mass and energy interact with the fabric of space-time. According to the theory of general relativity developed by Albert Einstein, mass and energy cause space-time to curve or warp, and the curvature of space-time affects the motion of other objects in the vicinity. This means that any two objects with mass will exert a gravitational force on each other, with the strength of the force increasing as the mass of the objects increases and as the distance between them decreases. Gravity is a universal force that affects all objects with mass, from small particles to entire galaxies. While scientists have developed theories to explain the behavior of gravity, the underlying reason for its existence is still not fully understood. However, the existence of gravity is supported by a vast body of experimental evidence, and it is an essential part of our understanding of the physical universe.