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what does a lesion look like

  what does a lesion look like A lesion can take many different forms and appearances depending on the underlying cause and location. In general, a lesion is an area of abnormal tissue or damage in the body, which may appear as a distinct area of discoloration, swelling, or texture change compared to the surrounding tissue. Some common examples of lesions include:Skin lesions, which may appear as raised or flat patches of skin, sores, bumps, or discolorations. Brain lesions, which may appear as abnormal spots or areas of tissue damage on brain scans such as MRI or CT scans. Oral lesions, which may appear as ulcers, sores, white or red patches, or other abnormalities on the tongue, gums, or inside the mouth. Lung lesions, which may appear as nodules or masses on chest x-rays or CT scans. Liver lesions, which may appear as spots or areas of abnormal tissue on imaging tests such as ultrasound or MRI. It's important to note that not all lesions are harmful or cancerous, and many can be